[ Sado, a Traditional Art ] Is there a qualification for Sado? What do you mean by licensed? Traditional Culture, Sado

[ Sado, a Traditional Art ] Is there a qualification for Sado? What do you mean by licensed? Traditional Culture, Sado
Originally, there is no general concept of "qualifications" in the world of Sado. Until now, there has only been a "license," which indicates what may be learned according to the skills and abilities of each individual. However, some styles have established appropriate qualifications in modern times. This article will explain the qualifications and licenses for Sado in detail. The representative styles called "Omotesen ya," "Urasen ya," and "Mushanokoji Senya" will be introduced as examples, so please read to the end for reference.

What are the qualifications for Sado?2>

In Sado, there are no national qualifications to become a so-called shihan (master teacher) or the like. In addition, some styles do not have qualification examinations to evaluate individual skills and abilities. Instead, in principle, there is a system of acquiring "permission to learn Sado" issued by each styles. In general, this is called a "license" or "diploma," but the name of the license varies depending on the styles. In Sado, when one is initiated into one of the styles, one progresses through the training from the rudiments to the next. Each stage of training requires a certificate of permission to learn the mannerisms and etiquette of that stage.
Although it varies from style to style, once you have obtained a license beyond a certain level, you are practically qualified to teach Sado to others and to apply for a license. However, this is not a "certificate of completion of study," nor is it a diploma or license. The content and process of learning a license varies from style to styles, and the cost per application varies, ranging from several thousand yen to more than several tens of thousands of yen. The level of license that can be applied for varies from school to school, so it is important to check before applying for a license if you are considering joining a school. There are some classes that basically do not apply for a permit, while others teach Sado with the goal of becoming an instructor. Choose the class you will be initiated into according to your objectives.

At Omotesen ya, you obtain a diploma instead of a certificate.

In Omotesen ya, a license is called " Soden ". There are a total of nine types of soden, but the average person can only apply for up to seven. Let us look at these seven types one by one.

1. Initiation (Nyumon)

This is the soden for becoming a member of Omotesen ya. Basically, it is taken together with the next soden, which is necessary to practice Sado.

2. Learning (Narai-goto)

This soden allows the practice of basic odatemae, which is divided into eight categories called "eight rules of learning".
  • Chasenkazari (decoration of tea whisks): A tea ceremony in which the water jar, tea scoop, tea container, or tea bowl is a special item.
  • Daikazari: A tea ceremony for nobles (persons of high rank and government office) using tenmokudai.
  • Nagao: Preparation of flat tea containers and tea bowls for serving tea.
  • Bonkogo: Preparation of charcoal when the fragrant name is a specialty.
  • Hanashyomou: A manner of asking a guest to display flowers when the flower vase is a specialty or when the guest brings flowers.
  • Sumishomou: A manner of asking a guest to prepare charcoal for the fire when the furnace is in full swing.
  • Kumiawadate: A koicha (thick tea) preparation when tatemizu is the specialty of the tea ceremony.
  • The tea ceremony is performed in a way that eliminates the need to carry utensils.
The eight articles of study include the general content of Sado, such as the basic preparation of usucha and koicha tea, and sumite-mae. As mentioned above, application is basically made at the same time as the introductory soden.

3.Decorative Items (Kazari-mono)

After more than one year has passed since acquiring the soden of Shuseki, one can apply for the soden of "Kazari-mono" (ornaments). The "Five Articles of Ornaments" are as follows.
  • Jiku-kazari: A manner to be used when the hanging item is a famous or historic item.
  • Tsubokazari: A manner of decorating a tea urn on the floor in November, the season of kuchikiri, the opening of the fireplace.
  • Chairirekazari: A manner of decorating a tea urn if it is a famous or venerable item.
  • Chawan Kazari: A manner of decorating a tea bowl if the bowl is a famous or historic item.
  • Chashaku Kazari (tea ladle decoration): A manner of decorating a tea ladle when it is a famous or historic item.
The above are the topics that have been introduced in books and other publications.

4. Tea box

After more than one year has passed since acquiring the " Soden of Ornaments," you can apply for the " Satsubako" (box for tea passing). From this point on, the content is considered oral transmission. A chatsubako is a tea utensil containing two tea utensils, each containing a different powdered tea. As the name implies, the chatsubako is used in the tea ceremony to serve
  • Matcha from the guest
  • Matcha prepared by yourself


After more than one year has passed since acquiring the tea box certificate, one can apply for karamono (tea from China). Karamono are tea containers that came from China. Karamono tea utensils are used in kara-mono tea ceremony.

6. Tea Ceremony Utensils (Daitenmoku)

After two years have passed since acquiring karamono soden, one can apply for daitenmoku soden. Daimoku is a tea ceremony for noble guests, in which a bowl of tenmoku tea is placed on a tenmoku stand and the tea is served.


After two years have passed since acquiring the dai-tenmoku soden, one can apply for the bon-ten soden. Bon-ten is a karamono (Chinese tea ceremony) using a tray called "shiho-bon" and includes a unique way of purifying the tray.

A qualification system was created for Urasen ya.

Next, we will introduce the system of Urasen ya. In Urasen ya, the most widely spread styles of Sado, a license is called a " kyojou", which means a letter of permission. In modern times, qualifications can be named according to the status of each license. The Urasen ya qualification represents a level of proficiency in the study of Sado, and was created in 2000 to make it easier to express it as a social title. This made it easier to specify a background in Sado on application forms for entrance examinations and resumes for employment, and also made it easier to gain the understanding of people who are not familiar with Sado. The names of the qualifications are "Beginner," "Intermediate," and "Advanced," and at the advanced level, one can act as an assistant instructor. After that, they become "lecturer," "full-time lecturer," and "assistant professor. The corresponding licenses for each of these are explained below.

Beginner's Level

In the beginner's class, students receive three permits at the same time and master them in order: nyumon (initiation), konarai (konarai), and chabotodate (chabako-date). The irin (initiation) license allows students to learn only partial training, such as bowing and wari-geiko. Koshu is a diploma that allows one to learn the basic content of Sado, divided into 16 articles (Mae-hachi-jyo and Go-hachi-jyo). The first eight articles are as follows.
  • Kiin-date: Preparation of tea for nobles (persons of high rank and government office).
  • Kiinin Kiyotsugu: Preparation of tea for a nobleman who is accompanied by an attendant.
  • Chairi-kazari: Preparation of thick tea for use with important tea containers.
  • Chawan Kazari: Preparation of important tea bowls to be displayed on the floor at the first sitting.
  • Chashaku Kazari (tea ladle arrangement): When an important tea ladle is used, it is displayed on the floor in advance of the first tea ceremony.
  • Chasen kazari (tea whisk arrangement): A preparation in which important tea whisks are used and displayed on the floor in advance of the first tea ceremony.
  • Chasenkazari: A preparation of thick tea using a tea container with a long cord.
  • Sakane-jyawan (layered tea bowls): Preparation of koicha (thick tea) using two layered tea bowls at a tea ceremony where there are many guests in succession.
The following eight articles are used in the tea ceremony.
  • Tsutsumi-bukusa (tea caddy): A tea utensil (jujube) is wrapped in a fukusa cloth and used as a tea container.
  • Tsubo-kazari (tea pot decoration): Tea pots filled with leaf tea are displayed in the tea room for the guests to see, mainly at the time of Kuchikiri or Kairo (opening of the fireplace).
  • Sumishomou: A manner of asking a guest to prepare charcoal for the tea ceremony.
  • Hanashishomou: A manner of asking a guest to display flowers when the flower vase is a specialty or when the guest has brought flowers.
  • Irikodate: A ceremony in which a tea bowl with a tea cloth, a tea whisk, and a tea scoop is placed in a kensui, a wooden bowl made of cedar and bent with a wooden base.
  • Bon-kogou: A charcoal tray is used to hold charcoal for a special incense container.
  • Jikkazari: A manner of serving tea when the hanging scroll is a famous or venerable item.
  • Otsubukuro: A tea ceremony in which jujubes filled with thick tea are placed in an otsubukuro (tea caddy).
Chabako-dotsu is a tea ceremony performed using a box called chabako. There are different types depending on the season. Urasen ya has qualified for the beginner level when you have completed all of the above.

Intermediate Level

At the intermediate level, five licenses are obtained at the same time or at any time, and are mastered in order: "chatsubako", "kokaramono", "daitenmoku", "bon-date", and "wakin-date". It is also possible to apply for a beginner's license together with a beginner's license. Each license permits the practice of the following manners and techniques.
  • Chatsubako: The preparation of two kinds of koicha (thick tea) for the same guest.
  • Karamono: Preparation of tea using a Chinese karamono tea container.
  • Dai-tenmoku: Tea preparation using a tenmoku tea bowl on a stand.
  • Bon-dotsu: Tea setting in which a karamono tea container is placed on a tray.
  • Wakin-dot: A tea ceremony in which a tea bowl called nakatsugi is placed in a bag on a kobukusa made of meibutsu-gire or hairi-gire.
The intermediate level is awarded when you have completed all of the above. The standard is to acquire this qualification in two to three years from the beginner level. However, since this varies greatly depending on the teacher and the individual's qualifications, it should be considered only as a reference. The four licenses, excluding the wakin point, are collectively referred to as shikaden.

Senior (Assistant Lecturer)

In the advanced level, three licenses, "gyou no gyoudaishi","daiensou" and "hikitsugi," are obtained simultaneously or at any time, and are mastered in sequence. Each of these permits the practitioner to practice the following manners and techniques.
  • Gyoko no gyodaiko: This is obtained after at least one year of acquiring wakin dotsu. Also known as "Rankazari," it is the foundation of the deepest secrets performed with the gyoko-daiko.
  • The basic procedures of the Ouenzao are performed with the Daenbon, which is a special tray for the Ouenzao.
  • The basic of the Ou-secrets with Gyotaika. After becoming a professor, one can apply for a permit (tugi) for a disciple by following the prescribed procedures.


The instructor must obtain the three licenses of "shin-no-gyo-daishi," "daenshin," and "sei-hiki-tugi" at the same time or as needed, and then acquire them in order. Each of these permits the practitioner to practice the following manners and techniques.
  • Shin-no-gyo-daiko: This is granted to those who have been practicing gyo-no-gyo-daiko for at least one year after acquiring the license and have mastered it to a sufficient degree. It is also known as "Okugi," and is the root of Okugi performed with a Shindaishi.
  • The procedure is performed with the Shindaishi.
  • Sho hikiji: Qualification as an instructor is attained by acquiring this qualification.

Professional lecturer

An instructor must obtain and master the permission of "Chamei/Monkyo" at least one year after acquiring Sho-Hikiji. A chamei is the name of a Grand Master, and is granted only to those who have been recognized as qualified. Only those who are recognized as qualified are eligible to become a full-time instructor.

Assistant Professor

The minimum age requirement for assistant professor is 25 years old.

Types of Mushanokoji Senya Certifications

At Mushanokoji Senke, as with Urasen ya, a " kyojou" or letter of permission, is required to qualify as a professor or full professor. There are eleven types of licenses. There are many similarities with Urasen ya, so only the names will be introduced here.
  • Tekiden This is a license to enter other styles.
  • Koranai I (Nagao, Bon Kogai)
  • Konarai Ⅱ (Iriko style, Daicho style)
  • Konarai III (vase decoration, axis decoration)
  • Karamono
  • Tea box
  • Table tops
  • Bondate
  • Professor
  • Professor(Full time)
  • Soden
At Mushanokoji Senya, students learn the basics of the Mushanokoji Senya Sado through practice up to koshu. When one obtains a karamono license, one becomes an assistant professor; when one obtains a license up to bondate The qualification process, flow, and length of time for qualification vary greatly from class to class, which is another characteristic of the Mushanokoji Senya.


We have explained the licenses for Omotesen ya, Urasen ya, and Mushanokoji Senya. Although there is no formal qualification for Sado, we have learned that the techniques and abilities of the tea ceremony are improved by obtaining a license, and that once a certain level of license is obtained, one is in a position to act as an instructor, etc. If you are interested in learning Sado, please refer to this article to find a school where you can obtain a license for the level of Sado you wish to learn.

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